Some Key Concepts in Thinking About 'Musical Maturity' - Some people might read the words musical maturity and think them synonymous with musical snobbery.
Jarrod, thank you for this beautiful piece of writing in which you remind us of Aquinas' precepts on beauty. Lately, I have wondered why I find certain musical compositions to be pleasing, such as Mozart's Piano Concerto #21: Andante movement. Could it be that the integrity of the form, the symmetry, clearly reveals itself to the ear as pleasing? Or, that somehow, I am enabled to be more receptive to its beauty - to more fully appreciate the relation of the notes of the melody to the harmony, rhythm, and timbre of the instruments? In terms of speech communication there is an objective transmitter of a message and a subjective receiver of the message. If there is interference on the subjective receiver side, the clarity of the message will be obstructed and the receiver will not fully receive or appreciate the message. I remember several years ago commending Pastor Steve about the increased clarity of his recent messages. He was gracious in receiving my insight upon his preaching. But, later I humorously
imagined that he probably thought to himself: well, it's about time that my messages are finally becoming clear to Troy and penetrating that hard head of his. So, in line with your composition, it requires some reasoned ability on the part of the subject to fully appreciate the beauty of a work of art.
Jarrod, thank you for this beautiful piece of writing in which you remind us of Aquinas' precepts on beauty. Lately, I have wondered why I find certain musical compositions to be pleasing, such as Mozart's Piano Concerto #21: Andante movement. Could it be that the integrity of the form, the symmetry, clearly reveals itself to the ear as pleasing? Or, that somehow, I am enabled to be more receptive to its beauty - to more fully appreciate the relation of the notes of the melody to the harmony, rhythm, and timbre of the instruments? In terms of speech communication there is an objective transmitter of a message and a subjective receiver of the message. If there is interference on the subjective receiver side, the clarity of the message will be obstructed and the receiver will not fully receive or appreciate the message. I remember several years ago commending Pastor Steve about the increased clarity of his recent messages. He was gracious in receiving my insight upon his preaching. But, later I humorously
imagined that he probably thought to himself: well, it's about time that my messages are finally becoming clear to Troy and penetrating that hard head of his. So, in line with your composition, it requires some reasoned ability on the part of the subject to fully appreciate the beauty of a work of art.