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"Cultivating Wisdom Through Beauty"

A Six-Minute Masterclass on Why Beauty and the Creative Arts Are Essential for Christians

I am involved with a new project called the Redeemer School of the Arts. Regular readers will likely recall several mentions of that fact over the past few months. The project seeks to correct the widespread belief that the creative arts are an add-on and not essential for the life of Christians. RSA is seeking to tackle the problem of Christians abdicating arts endeavors and training because we have put more emphasis on truth and goodness and have forgotten how beauty (or aesthetics) is able to be the lens by which truth and goodness can be perceived, according to Dr. Scott Aniol.

In the above video, RSA Adjunct Music Faculty member Scott Aniol gives an outstanding six-minute masterclass on why beauty and the arts are essential for Christians. I encourage you to watch/listen to it several times, and I trust that you will find encouragement and validation for why Christians need to get serious again about arts training, especially arts training that is done within the context and fellowship of the local church.

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