The reality of this project is even more real now that there are soft-proof pictures of the Let Joy Resound: A Singing School Hymnal from the printer. We are still receiving pre-orders at for the first printing. If you are on the fence about getting a copy, I assure you this hymnal will be a worthwhile investment whether you want to use it for a school setting or just personal use. It will hold up and have thoughtful, robust settings of the best hymnody going back centuries in the Church. But beyond that, we wanted the hymnal to look sharp and classy and withstand repeated use in a school, co-op, church, or family setting.

198 Hymns Included (up from the 125 originally advertised)
Singable keys and historic rhythmic settings are prioritized.
The introduction includes a short primer on using solfege and navigating the hymnal.
Smith-Sewn, curved spine with ribbon marker and two-color ink printing.
The spacious layout design of the notes and lyrics is free from looking busy or overly crammed into a page. This clean and spacious design leaves room for students to write in their solfege or markings and is just aesthetically clean, befitting its hearty settings.
Price breaks are available for bulk orders. Pre-orders are shipping in July 2024.
If you visit or click the link below, you can see the list of hymns and tunes.
Here is a sample from inside the hymnal showing the layout and design, including the two-color printing:
Additionally, if you did not see the promo video that was done last fall, here it is:
There have been changes to the cover color and hymn count, but we did this to help people get excited about this project. The plan is to feature some of the hymns here on Musically Speaking in the coming months. There are so many good hymns that were originally rhythmic and robust. We need to recover them. I started this project with the hope that Christian schools and homeschool co-ops would be able to have a hymnal resource to use where they would not have to pull from all over to find the best of the historic hymns of the faith going back centuries. Thank you to those of you who have already pre-ordered and helped me share this project on social media. I greatly appreciate your encouragement and support.
Jarrod, a scaled back hymnal for schools and churches is such a great idea!