The Heavens Laugh! The Earth Rejoices!
John Eliot Gardiner's Overview of Bach's Cantata 31 for Easter Sunday
Happy Resurrection Sunday to you and yours!
If you follow Bach’s music, you will likely know his Cantata 4 (Christ Lag in Todesbanden) or maybe his Easter Oratorio. But this Cantata 31 is a real gem, even if it is lesser-known.
In this short YouTube video below, John Eliot Gardiner introduces BWV 31 Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret (‘The heavens laugh! The earth rejoices’), composed by Bach for Easter Sunday in 1715.
Below is a link to Maestro Gardiner conducting the second movement, where the choir comes in with the majestic Easter text painting of “The Heavens Laugh.” You can hear the jubilant laughing on the German word, “lacht.”
Here is a translation by Z. Philip Ambrose of the second movement chorus:
The heavens laugh! The earth doth ring with glory,
And all she bears within her lap;
Our Maker lives! The Highest stands triumphant
And is from bonds of death now free.
He who the grave for rest hath chosen,
The Holy One, sees not corruption.
Then, if you wish to hear the whole cantata, here is a link to listen to it from start to finish.
This is a Spotify album link with the Bach Collegium of Japan’s recording:
Then here is a video if you would prefer to watch it and hear it from another ensemble:
Chris is Risen! He is Risen, indeed! Happy Easter from my family to you and yours! Thank You for Subscribing to Musically Speaking.
Thanks for the post. We can’t wait to listen. Our service is about to start here in Tulsa, so we will enjoy it this afternoon. I’m sure there won’t be anything like Bach here. :-/