Here is an excellent hymn text you should know if you don’t already. It is “O Love, How Deep, How Broad, How High.” It is sourced from anonymous Latin text from the 15th century. Initially, this hymn had twenty-three (yes, 2-3 verses). Some have attributed it to Thomas à Kempis because of some similarities to other of his writings. The text was translated by an Englishman in the nineteenth century and published in 1852.
The most often used tune is called DEO GRACIAS (sometimes labeled AGINCOURT). It is a lovely, minor flowing tune with a triple-meter feel. Below, you will hear some of my students at Geneva Academy record it for you. I’ve uploaded it to YouTube and put the lyrics on the screen for you to follow along. Below is the YouTube link.
The Text of this Hymn
What makes this hymn a great one is how it overviews the life and work of Christ in an organized and catechizing way. Verse one starts with his birth. Verse two talks about how He can identify with us since He lived a human existence on Earth. Verse three talks about His earthly ministry. Verse four deals with His crucifixion. Verse five describes His resurrection, ascension, and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then, like so many good Christian hymns, it closes with a doxological final verse that closes out this creed-like overview of the story and work of the gospel.
Additionally, the corporate nature of this hymn’s repetition of “for us” emphasizes the corporate aspect of Christ’s work for the church. I heartily commend this hymn to you.
Listen one more time to just the audio recording:
As usual, here is a PDF copy for you to have and enjoy. This typeset will be in our upcoming Redeemer Hymnal project with which I’m currently involved.