For the past eight summers, we have hosted a week-long music camp that we call Jubilate Deo (pronounced You-Bee-Latté Day-o). Jubilate Deo is the Latin opening to Psalm 100, which can be translated as “Rejoice in the Lord” or “Sing Joyfully to God.” Our camp is open to 5-year-olds through graduated high school seniors. It typically is the last week of June. Below is our group pic from just before the concert on the last day of 2021:
Dr. David Erb,, who teaches music and choir at New Saint Andrews College in Moscow, Idaho, comes down every summer to lead the students in the music theme for that year. Dr. Erb themes the whole week’s activities and the concert on Saturday is the culmination of a week’s work of practice and preparation.
In a day and age when music and the arts are relegated to extracurricular activities, Christians must work extra hard to train themselves and their children in the joy of music and singing. Jubilate Deo Summer Music Camp is not just about giving children something to do during their summer break. It's about instructing them in what it means to be skillful singers who understand the blessings of singing and making music together. Jubilate Deo is the only camp of its kind in the south where music literacy is paired with a biblical understanding of music and singing.
Here is the full closing concert video from last year if you want to scroll through and see the tight theme of music and wide range of songs Dr. Erb puts together for the students each year:
We bring like-minded music teachers from all over the country to help us train the multiple age groups during the week. These Christian and Kodály (pronounced CODE-eye) music instructors are trained in how to stretch young students in their musicianship.
Registration is now underway for our 2022 camp during June 27–July 2, 2022 here in West Monroe, Louisiana. You can register at In the last few years we have added some day and evening sessions for interested parents and adults, called the “Bach Lectures” and the “Psalm Tap Colloquium.”
We have been blessed to see our camp grow and interest expand to other states. Last year we had participants from more than 12 states. We offer scholarships and discounts to large families. We don't want financial hardship to prevent families from participating.
If you would like to make a one-time donation to support those scholarships that we offer, you can easily do so with this Support Jubilate Deo giving link: